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August 2020



Dear Friends and Members,


The Village of Love and Resistance - VOLAR celebrates the Black Freedom Movement's season of Black August. During Black August we have a special appeal for the renovation of the community and wellness center. This will be a Black and Brown liberation space essential to our future in East Baltimore.


Black August is a celebration of our history of Black resistance during this month and remembering the legacy of resistors such as Angela Davis, Assatur Shakur, and our ancestor George Jackson. They all fought against the military and police state and structural violence embedded in the United States racial capitalism system. Our center is a collective liberation space to heal us and practice healthy living. The center is a place where co-housing, daycare, wellness practices and community controlled retail spaces are designed for our health and not to extract our resources.















We ask you to give now to our special liberation zone and share in the vision and renovation of our sacred space where the legacy of Davis, Shakur, and Jackson will be loved in and lived out in our radical organizing academy.  You can give now by -


donating at

wiring a donation at pnc

sending a check to: VOLAR    PO Box 41357    Baltimore MD 21203


Our goal is to raise $1 million dollars for the renovation during this Black August appeal and secure sustaining donors of 50 to 100 people at  We can do this - make our dreams come true!!!


We sincerely THANK YOU for your commitment and support of VOLAR. Email us at if you have any questions.


With love and resistance,


Care Taking Council of VOLAR

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