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Redevelop the Hub as a center that will be occupied by social entrepreneurs and retail business as well as promote mindfulness and wellness and intentional co-housing (6 micro units of co-housing space)
Acquire 1025, 1031 E. Monument street (17,000 sq. ft.) through donations and non-interest loans as seed-capital to redevelop as a Hub for equitable, sustainable and healthy economic development projects as well as a community organizing and wellness building initiatives
Obtain seed-capital to acquire property so that local residents can participate in low-dollar investments
Develop an economic feasibility study to incentivize investors to redevelop the Hub and engage with the community in a concept mapping process to determine the occupants of the Hub
Provide economic and literacy trainings to the surrounding community to assure community investment in the Hub and in the acquisition and development of abandoned residential properties in East Baltimore
Teach radical community organizing rooted in justice and love through a Radical Young Peoples Academy

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