Dear friends,
We trust you are enjoying the holiday season, wherever you are located.
It’s been another glorious year for organizing for justice across Baltimore city; especially in the OldTown/Middle East area where we are located. Even with COVID19 and its siblings, we got vaccinated and boosted, double masked, and practiced social distancing with neighbors.
VOLAR has been engaging with residents non-stop to build our membership base of local residents for leadership development. This has been happening because of the awesome work of our recently hired Community Organizer and the consistent presence of our Lucille Gorham Fellow. Through the work of our Radical Organizing School, Base Building, Own Our Hood Program, and Co-operative Living teams we are listening and living into our mission to reclaim land and healing in East Baltimore for Black and brown bodies.
Our Renovation and Organizational Development team forwarded the design of the rectory and continued to develop standard operating procedures/systems to assure we function strategically. Please take a moment to read about our 2021 accomplishments in our newsletter here.
And here we are, the end of 2021, a trying year, and a successful year!
VOLAR continued to fundraise throughout the year and for all of you who could support us, with financial and other resources, we offer a deep bow of gratitude. For those of you unable to support during the year, but wanted to, we thank you as well!
We close this year by once again asking for your support.
Your financial support has allowed us to hire folks like our organizer, the Lucille Gorham Fellow, an architect firm; pay our: utilities, insurance, taxes, pest control (Sorry rodents!), state charity fee, accountant, banking service charges; buy food and utensils for our events, weed trimmers, trash bags, water bucket, etc. Every penny went to assure we had sufficient conditions to accomplish our mission.
And we have another amazing year planned, so hold onto your blanky!
If you are able to support our work, please donate here
If you prefer to send a check, make it out to VOLAR and mail to
121 N. Broadway 2nd Floor, Baltimore MD 21231
VOLAR wishes you all the conditions for continued healing, happiness, and a safe 2022. May we continue this journey of joy and liberation together!
In solidarity, in trust,
Dominic, Katherine, Kenneth, Lenora, Marisela, Pamela, Sabriya